Building an Office Break Room: What to Consider

Employees in the break room
  • Employee satisfaction is crucial for businesses, leading to better productivity and profits.
  • An office breakroom is a popular way to show employees that their comfort and well-being matter.
  • An office breakroom should consider space, layout, comfort, entertainment, and refreshments.
  • A well-designed office breakroom can increase job satisfaction, reduce absenteeism, and improve retention rates.

Employee satisfaction is integral to any successful business and should be employers’ top priority. Happy employees not only lead to a more enjoyable work environment but also translate into better productivity and, ultimately, increased profits. Research shows that companies that invest in their employees’ satisfaction enjoy better employee retention rates, lower absenteeism, and a more committed workforce.

According to a survey by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), job satisfaction is a critical factor in employee retention, with 63% of employees stating it is essential when choosing to stay with their current company. Another study by Gallup found that engaged employees have 41% lower absenteeism and 24% fewer turnover rates than their disengaged counterparts. These numbers are significant because high turnover rates are expensive and harm morale and productivity.

You can do many things for employee satisfaction, but adding an office breakroom is a more popular option. An office breakroom is a great way to show employees you care about their well-being and comfort. It can also be used for informal meetings, team-building activities, or simply as an area to relax during a hectic workday. Here are a few things to consider when creating an office breakroom:

Space and Layout

The space and layout significantly ensure employee satisfaction when setting up an office break room. The break room should maximize comfort, promote relaxation, and encourage socializing while maintaining a necessary level of privacy.

The break room’s size should be proportional to the number of employees working in the office to ensure everyone can use the space comfortably. Additionally, a well-planned layout provides that the room’s amenities are within reach and easy to use, making employees’ stay more convenient.

Moreover, an office break room should be designed to remove employees from their regular work environment. Distancing employees from their workspace helps them relax and recharge, boosting their productivity and creativity when they return to their tasks.

Also, incorporating ergonomic furniture and equipment in the space significantly increases employee comfort while they use the break room. For instance, comfortable seating and tables make it easier for employees to enjoy snacks or catch up with coworkers during breaks or lunchtime.


Making the break room comfortable

Comfort is critical when creating an office breakroom. Employees need a space to relax and recharge before returning to their tasks, and an uncomfortable break room can lead to stress and frustration. Here are four essential elements to consider when designing an office breakroom that prioritizes comfort:

Temperature and Lighting

A comfortable temperature and good lighting are vital to creating a relaxing break room. Temperature-wise, the break room should be relaxed yet comfortable, between 68 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit.

In terms of lighting, natural lighting is always the best option, as it has been shown to improve mood, energy, and sleep quality. If your break room doesn’t have windows, consider installing good quality LED lighting that mimics natural light. Studies show that this type of lighting can enhance mood and focus.

Relaxing Atmosphere

Creating a relaxing atmosphere in the break room can significantly increase employee comfort. Soft music, calming colors, and plants are all excellent options for creating a pleasant atmosphere. These elements can help employees feel more relaxed and positively affect their mental health.


Refreshments such as water, tea, and coffee can help employees feel more comfortable in the break room. Studies show that access to refreshments can help reduce stress levels and increase job satisfaction. Be sure to provide various options, including healthy snacks, to ensure employees have multiple choices.


People’s comfort will depend mainly on the furniture in your break room. Furniture should be comfortable, aesthetically pleasing, and easy to maintain. Ergonomic chairs, sofas, tables, and benches are all great options for promoting comfort in the office breakroom.


Being entertained in break room

Keeping employees entertained in the breakroom is a crucial element to consider when designing an office breakroom. Entertainment in the breakroom creates a more enjoyable and comfortable environment for employees, ultimately leading to increased satisfaction and productivity. An office breakroom that lacks entertainment options can lead to employees not fully utilizing the space or rushing back to their desks.

Various forms of entertainment can be included in the breakroom to benefit employee satisfaction. One popular choice is to have board games such as chess, Jenga, or checkers, as they serve as excellent stress relievers and help promote employee bonding. A well-placed television with channels and entertainment options can be a perfect addition to allow employees to catch up with the news or watch their favorite shows during downtime. Similarly, a gaming console such as a Playstation or Xbox can provide employees a quick way to decompress during breaks.

Providing books, magazines, or newspapers can also be excellent entertainment sources, as they promote reading and help employees take their minds off work-related matters. Also, consider investing in a few fun shuffleboard tables to encourage physical activity and liven up the breakroom.

Final Thoughts

Creating an office breakroom is a great way to show your employees that you care about their well-being and comfort. By following these guidelines when setting up an office breakroom, employers can create a comfortable environment where employees can relax and recharge during breaks or lunchtime. Ultimately, this will lead to increased job satisfaction and improved productivity levels for the business.

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