Why Embracing the DevOps Approach is Good for Your Company

Using DevOps for business

The continuously growing demands in the digital market can leave any company that lacks flexibility and agility behind. Embracing the DevOps approach can help your company stay relevant and competitive. Here are some benefits that are worth considering.

Hybrid Technology

One of the most prominent benefits of DevOps is the modernization of the existing technology in place. Companies who still rely on monolithic mainframe servers to store and house their systems can immensely benefit from employing cloud-based backup services to reduce on-premise mainframe servers and be able to rehost their systems on the cloud, reducing on-site equipment and transforming the way their IT team works.

Aside from having the ability to access information via the cloud securely, the company can also benefit from automated services that aren’t readily available for systems running on legacy servers. Cloud systems also allow real-time updates and monitoring systems, making the work easier and more manageable for the backend team. In this day and age, having IT teams that can work comfortably and confidently on traditional and cloud platforms is key in making sure that an organization stays on top of its game and are ready to take on changes, no matter how fast these changes can happen.

Improved Workflow

DevOps also focuses on the flow of work from the backend to frontend, and vice versa. The core of this method is automation , which makes processes that are typically manually carried out and are rather time-consuming, completed with more ease and more efficiently. Automating standard processes reduces lead times, and most importantly, the length of time spent on testing and deployment. It also makes way for a more efficient feedback system and alert system, as it is easier to monitor and alert on any unusual spike in activity that needs immediate attention, to prevent issues that may cause downtime. This lessens the tendency of having to do more work from an unattended issue; automation and cloud services make it easier for standard work processes to get done – from monitoring, gathering data, storing data, and accessing it.

Leaner Value Streams

Programming using laptop

One other goal of DevOps is to bridge the gap between teams and eliminate waste by improving dependencies and enabling organizations and the individuals in these teams to carry out tasks independently whenever possible. By taking a good look at the current value stream, leaders can see what the common challenges are, where these challenges lie, and the areas where it causes chokepoints and bottlenecks that slow the flow of work down. Leaner value streams eliminate wastage by improving the steps in the process — either by removing them or changing them and carefully considers whether a process does bring value to a product which the end-user can benefit from. By going lean, unnecessary steps are removed, the processes are improved, and the wait times are reduced. Lead times are shorter, and delivery is faster.

The focus on cloud and automation are two of the major things that DevOps can bring to an organization and help the teams and the individuals that make up these teams achieve their individual and shared goals faster and more effectively, without sacrificing quality.

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